Miami Orange Line
Mass Electric/Aldridge Joint Venture performed a 2.4 mile design/build extension of the existing Orange (heavy rail) Line from Earlington Heights to Miami Intermodal Center, including furnishing, installing and testing of three new brick and mortar substations and modifications to the existing Earlington Heights TPSS.
The MAJV performed the design and installation of the Train Control, Traction Power and Communication Systems. The project scope included the design of three new substations; modifications to the existing substation; installation of DC gear, AC gear feeder cables, switches, signals and any associated train control equipment; the cutover of the new extension signal system into existing signal system; design of the CTS, CCTV, PA/VMS, telephone, BLS and security systems for the new extension, three new substations and the new metro rail station; installation of fiber optic cable and all cables associated with above systems; and installation of cameras, speakers, visual message signs and telephones at the new substations and passenger station.