Port of LA Pier 400 - California
Transportation | Port | California
Project Summary
The Port of Los Angeles is North America’s largest trade gateway and its state-of-the-art facilities are constantly undergoing modernization efforts, including major upgrades to the largest terminal, Pier 400. Landside cargo handling is nearly entirely modernized and utilizes robotic cranes to pick cargo containers, stage them, and load them onto/off of awaiting trucks. Aldridge was selected for the installation of complex electrical, control, and communication systems at the modernized truck exchange lanes. Also included in the project is the construction of refrigerated container racks, substation modifications/relocations, the installation of large-scale uninterruptible power systems and communication networks to the container yard, providing new power to an onsite Customs and Border Protection kiosk, and the installation of gate systems that control access to areas where modernized and conventional operations interface.
The concept of pre-fabricating the electrical, communication, and control components at the truck exchange lanes was developed early in the Aldridge estimating process.
With a short timeframe for project prestart, the Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) team created a detailed model of the exact configuration of the racks for each type of truck lane and the Prefabrication Department built to those precise specifications. Within weeks, racks were being completed and shipped to the project. As the project progressed, the prebuilt components were ready for immediate installation as new sections of the project were ready for construction.
A total of 105 assembled racks were built, shipped, and installed at the facility. By including VDC and PreFab so early in project development, Aldridge increased productivity and schedule certainty using a smaller and safer on-site work crew.