2022 Bridges to Prosperity - Rwanda

Since partnering with Bridges to Prosperity in 2017, Aldridge has built bridges for international communities in Nicaragua, Bolivia two years in a row, and now - Rwanda!

This year, with help from the rest of the Aldridge organization, we were able to surpass our goal of raising over $35,000 before our team even left U.S. soil! 

Departing February 18th, after three days worth of traveling via airplane, bus, and on foot, Team Aldridge arrived safely in Africa and was welcomed with open arms in their new temporary home.  

The team then spent two weeks in the Kibangu Sector of Rwanda, constructing a 57-meter suspended trail bridge, “Kwa Rukeratabaro,” that will serve nearly 3,000 individuals daily. This bridge will primarily serve farmers and allow access to markets, a medical center, schools, and other sources of employment that are otherwise inaccessible to the community during periods of heavy rainfall. 

Their journey to the worksite was a grueling hike in and out of the peaks of the mountainside, followed by 10-12 hour workdays. The village was right alongside them, aiding in the total development of this life-changing project. Members of Team Aldridge were amazed by their work ethic - working without tools, breaks, or even proper PPE when they arrived. Upon completion of the project, the team donated all of their tools, clothing, and even personal care items to the village. 

Despite losing a few hours due to rain, the team was able to build the bridge in record time! On one of their final days, they visited the Kibangu Primary School and the healthcare center in the village. They soon learned that many of the households in the area could not afford their healthcare.

Using their own money, the team was able to provide healthcare coverage to 1,000 residents over nearly 300 households through the end of 2023!

A ribbon-cutting ceremony soon followed to officially open the new bridge. Team Aldridge members recount the ceremony as one of the most unforgettable experiences of their lives. “Seeing the dancing and the celebration happening…. It was emotional.” - Jeff Hachmiester 

Each of the 10 individuals who were able to be a part of such a humbling experience has said that this was truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

We are so proud to support such an incredible organization and the amazing teams that have been a part of each bridge build. Wherever it may take us, we look forward to our next build with Bridges to Prosperity in 2023!