Distracted Driving Awareness Month

During Distracted Driving Awareness month, Aldridge focuses on the importance of safe driving and taking all precautionary measures before getting into any motorized vehicle. Using tools from our Making Safe Decisions® approach, we give our employees strategies to remain attentive and aware while behind the wheel. 

Here are some best practices Aldridge is taking to ensure driver safety:

  • Making Safe Decisions® Strategies. As we continue our safety journey with the incorporation of Making Safe Decisions® training, we bring attention to cognitive behaviors that affect our decision-making. In module 3 of 5 (“Doing”), we learned that most mistakes happen due to Cognitive Fatigue, Distractions and Divided Attention, Stress and Urgency Pressures, and Memory. As this relates back to safe driving, we learned that drivers who talk or text are 23 times more likely to be involved in an accident. Aldridge does not endorse the use of any electronic device usage - including hands-free. Instead, we are arming our employees with strategies to stay alert and on task, ensuring decision-making is rooted in best practices.

  • Annual Safe Driving Campaign. Throughout this campaign, we encourage everyone to ‘Get Out And Look’ (a.k.a. “G.O.A.L.'') and “Circle for Safety” before we begin driving. This reminds every driver that whether it be a standard vehicle or a large piece of equipment, you must exit and make a circle for safety around to look for anything obstructing access or visibility before operating the vehicle/equipment. 

  • Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) Permit Policy. Adherence to the MOT Permit Policy is strictly enforced. This policy is intended to secure the safety and protection of Aldridge and our subcontractor employees, the public, and property and equipment when engaged in work adjacent to or encroaching upon a roadway. The MOT Permit is a management tool to instruct and assist in recognizing and defining hazards for mitigation and compliance with applicable local ordinances, regulations, and standards for traffic control design and for activities in a work zone.

Driving safely is a daily commitment that requires constant vigilance and reinforcement to maintain the highest awareness and utmost caution when operating a motorized vehicle. Although April is dedicated to Distracted Driving Awareness, it is imperative to carry these strategies with you every day throughout the year and each time you get behind the wheel. It could save a life. 

Stay Focused. Stay Aware. Stay Safe.