Inaugural Women Of Aldridge Event

The Inaugural Women of Aldridge event took place on August 9th and brought women of all walks of life together for a day of empowerment. The mission of this group is to actively promote Women in Construction through professional development, networking, and mentorship, and to provide an open forum for encouragement and support. We are proud to support the Women in Construction movement and honored to have these hard-working women helping build America’s infrastructure. 

Over 100 Aldridge women descended upon our new Chicago O’Hare office for a day of interactive events, breakout sessions, and personal stories. With work coast-to-coast, it’s often hard to get everyone in one place at one time and this was an outstanding opportunity to bring together those from Maine, California, and everywhere in between! 

Here are some highlights: 

  • A curated group of Aldridge women was chosen for a panel discussion surrounding issues women in construction face within the industry.

  • Small group breakout sessions allowed titles to be left at the door, as we asked hard-hitting questions on what’s next for the overall growth of Aldridge. 

  • Guest speaker, Susan Silver, shared her career advice from years of working for Fortune 500 companies and now being a small business owner, as well as the adversity she experienced during her career progression. 

Thank you to everyone who came to this first-of-its-kind event with an open mind and willingness to share. As we work toward a more inclusive workplace culture, and strive to develop a community of diverse individuals able to express their true selves, we look forward to many more events like these.

We are proud to be the Women Of Aldridge.