Changing Workplace Culture: Aldridge Mental Health & Wellness Program

May is Mental Health Awareness month and many of you might not know that the construction industry has a suicide rate that is four times greater than the national average. Construction workers are at a heightened risk for suicide for a variety of reasons that can all be addressed – starting with changing the culture in the workplace.

Aldridge’s IIF (Incident and Injury Free) culture is at the foundation of everything we do and we have many resources available if you or someone you know needs it. As the next step in our IIF journey, Aldridge is demonstrating care and concern through the implementation of a complete Mental Health & Wellness Program. This acknowledges the existence of mental health issues, particularly in the construction industry, and looks at ways to mitigate stress, recognize the signs of someone struggling, and understand how to offer help when it’s needed. Just as IIF originally transformed Aldridge for the better, this program will enhance our commitment to supporting employees and their families.

Aldridge recognizes many of the issues our employees are facing. As an added benefit, we offer each employee and their household's family members access to an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which provides support and resources for many of the issues we all face each day.

Remember that there are resources available for you and your family, some of which are listed below:


Speak with your doctor for a referral to a licensed psychologist or therapist. Many are taking appointments via FaceTime or Zoom.


If you or someone you care about is at risk for suicide, the National Suicide Prevention Hotline is staffed professionals who can help. These professionals are just a phone call away at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Crisis support is available by texting the word HELLO to 741741. Crisis Counselors are available 24/7 to help you or a loved one.


TalkSpace will be available to all employees and their dependents (13 +). Included will be: 24/7 messaging and one 30-min video chat per month


Aldridge offers each employee and their household's family members access to an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offered through LifeWorks. Employees or dependents may access LifeWorks by phone on 866-468-9461 or via the web. You can also download the LifeWorks app on Google Play or the App Store. All contact with LifeWorks remains condential.

Connection brings comfort and peace of mind. It allows us to be open and honest about daily experiences - good and bad - and find common ground with others around us. In other words, we are each other’s keepers.