Stay Hydrated: Heat Stress Awareness

We are approaching the hottest months of the year, monitoring for heat stress is essential. Heat stress can increase the risk of injuries and is a serious condition that occurs when the body can no longer control its internal temperature causing a multitude of dangerous effects. People can experience heat rash, cramps, exhaustion, and stroke. Aldridge employees are trained annually through a comprehensive Heat Stress Prevention Program which provides extensive awareness through best practice education.

Here are a few tips to stay safe while outside in the heat:

  1. Know your heat limits- take breaks when needed

  2. Keep an eye on your co-workers  - develop an accountable ‘buddy system’

  3. Promote frequent rest-breaks

  4. Frequent drinking of water is encouraged

    • Water & restrooms are made available for all employees 

    • When necessary, cooling stations are provided


Keep in mind these other factors that can increase the risk of heat stress:

  • Alcohol use

  • Obesity

  • Diabetes

  • Heart disease

  • High blood pressure

  • Lower level of physical fitness

  • Use of illicit drugs 

  • Use of certain medications 

Heat Index 

Aldridge employees are provided a heat guide that shows what the temperature feels like to the human body when relative humidity is combined with the air temperature. When the body gets too hot, it begins to perspire or sweat to cool itself off. An excessive amount of sweating in extremely hot temperatures can lead to heat stress, hyperthermia, heat stroke, and many more negative effects. It is extremely important to be aware of your surroundings and prepare for the temperature you will be working in. This will allow for a safe schedule encouraging everyone to take proper care of themselves and each other. Also, ensuring equipment is safe to use and any modification needed to be implemented for the day's work based on extreme weather conditions. 

We want everyone to be safe. Remember to stay cool!